Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas narrates that a woman once came to Rasulullaah and said, "0 Rasulullaah! I have been sent to represent all the women before you. Allaah has made Jihaad compulsory on the men. They are rewarded when they suffer any injuries and if they are martyred, they remain alive by their Rabb and are sustained. On the other hand, all we women do is to serve the men. What rewards will we then receive?"
Rasulullaah replied, "Make it clear to every woman you meet that the reward for obedience to the husband and for fulfilling his rights equals this (reward for Jihaad). However, there are few of you who do this." (2)
Towards the end of a narration in Tabraani, it is reported that a woman came to Rasulullaah and asked, "I have been sent to you as an envoy from the other women. Every woman who knows about my coming here and every woman who does not know about it have wished me to come. Allaah is the Rabb of men and women alike and he is also the Rabb of women. Similarly, you are Allaah's Rasool to men and women. Allaah has made Jihaad compulsory on the men. They receive the booty when they do well (and are victorious) and if they are martyred, they remain alive by their Rabb and are.sustained. Which good deed (of a woman) can equal these deeds of men?".
Rasulullaah replied, "Obedience to their husbands and recognising the rights they owe. However, there are few of you who actually do this." (3)
(2) Bazzaar.
(3) Tabraani, as quoted in Targheeb wat Tarheeb (Vol.3 Pg.336).